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epiliapoirl (Gast)
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Up until now, gun owners have been the ones protesting the decision last month by the Gannett-owned newspaper, saying it put in harm' {keyword} s way tens of thousands of lawful license holders, according to the New York State Rifle Pistol Association.But a dumbfounded Robert Astorino, the top elected official in , N.Y., told Wednesday that the newspaper did all the work for criminals throughout the lower area of New York who are still deciding which house they're going to hit. Recommended: Since its publication on Dec. 22 â a week after the shooting of 20 grade-school children and six school staff in â the gun map had fueled debate about journalistic ethics and media advocacy. But Mr. Astorino's comments have raised another contentious issue in the national gun-rights conversation: To what extent does gun ownership deter criminal activity?Information about gun owners is a central point of disagreement in discussion about the . The federal government does not keep any inventory on who owns guns and for what reasons. It's left to states and counties to {keyword} register and record people who sign up for concealed carry permits. The only published federal record about gun ownership is the number of background checks the federal government carries out.Groups like the have fought against a national gun registry, saying it would invite more gun-control scrutiny without providing any real benefit to public safety. But the local data is public, and the Journal News claims its gun map serves a l {keyword} egitimate purpose. I would love to know if someone next to me had guns ⊠so I can deal with that, one Lower Hudson local, , told the paper.Yet critics question the Journal News's motives. Does knowing which neighbors are legally registered gun-carriers make a town safer, or is the map intended to demonize legal gun owners?
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Up until now, gun owners have been the ones protesting the decision last month by the Gannett-owned newspaper, saying it put in harm' {keyword} s way tens of thousands of lawful license holders, according to the New York State Rifle Pistol Association.But a dumbfounded Robert Astorino, the top elected official in , N.Y., told Wednesday that the newspaper did all the work for criminals throughout the lower area of New York who are still deciding which house they're going to hit. Recommended: Since its publication on Dec. 22 â a week after the shooting of 20 grade-school children and six school staff in â the gun map had fueled debate about journalistic ethics and media advocacy. But Mr. Astorino's comments have raised another contentious issue in the national gun-rights conversation: To what extent does gun ownership deter criminal activity?Information about gun owners is a central point of disagreement in discussion about the . The federal government does not keep any inventory on who owns guns and for what reasons. It's left to states and counties to {keyword} register and record people who sign up for concealed carry permits. The only published federal record about gun ownership is the number of background checks the federal government carries out.Groups like the have fought against a national gun registry, saying it would invite more gun-control scrutiny without providing any real benefit to public safety. But the local data is public, and the Journal News claims its gun map serves a l {keyword} egitimate purpose. I would love to know if someone next to me had guns ⊠so I can deal with that, one Lower Hudson local, , told the paper.Yet critics question the Journal News's motives. Does knowing which neighbors are legally registered gun-carriers make a town safer, or is the map intended to demonize legal gun owners?
| | | | johnpruitt (Gast)
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Bolivia pone en funcionamiento un complejo metalúrgico parado desde 1985
La Paz El Gobierno boliviano puso hoy en funcionamiento el complejo metalúrgico de Karachipampa para procesar plomo y plata y que estuvo parado desde hace 28 años en la región andina de PotosÃ, fronteriza con Chile y Argentina.
Los hornos de la planta fueron encendidos hoy por primera vez, en presencia del presidente Evo Morales, el ministro de MinerÃa, Mario Virreira, y del gobernador de PotosÃ, Félix González.
Morales también promulgó un decreto para crear la Empresa Metalúrgica Karachipampa, que dependerá de la estatal Corporación Minera de Bolivia (Comibol) para administrar el complejo.
La fundidora fue construida en 1985 para procesar plomo y plata, con créditos alemanes y belgas por 200 millones de dólares, pero no funcionó porque entonces la producción era insuficiente.
El Gobierno de Morales también tuvo un conflicto con la empresa canadiense Atlas Precious Metals, que en 2008 habÃa comprometido 85 millones de dólares para poner en marcha el complejo.
El Ejecutivo cobró en 2010 a la canadiense una garantÃa de 850.000 dólares, con el argumento de que no habÃa avances en el proyecto y que sus inversiones apenas llegaron a dos millones.
Un año después, Atlas y las autoridades bolivianas alcanzaron un acuerdo económico para la salida de la empresa del proyecto, que pasó a la administración de la Comibol.
Morales informó hoy que la Comibol invirtió unos 6,4 millones de dólares para la rehabilitación y puesta en marcha de la fundidora, que cuenta con 50 millones de dólares para sus primeras operaciones.
Según el mandatario, de los 50 millones de dólares ya se usaron 14,3 {keyword} millones para comprar unas 7.000 toneladas de mineral a la Minera San Cristóbal, una filial de la japonesa Sumitomo que opera el mayor proyecto minero en operación en Bolivia.
La producción de Karachipampa proyectada por el Gobierno es de 21.000 toneladas anuales de plomo y 163.000 de plata.
Morales también anunció que entre junio y julio, Bolivia comenzará a exportar lingotes de plomo y plata, aunque no precisó a qué mercados, y agregó que "esta comercialización movilizará casi 200 millones de dólares al año".
La fundidora logrará también un ingreso adicional de 18 millones de dólares anuales por la venta de otros subproductos, como óxido de zinc, cristales de bismuto {keyword} y mate de cobre, entre otros.
El {keyword} Ejecutivo calcula que este año, el complejo tendrá un ganancia neta de 3,4 millones de dólares, cifra que se incrementará a 6,7 millones dentro de diez años.
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EFY (ELECTRONICS FOR YOU) with ADITYA CREATIONS presenting first time in bhopal Workshops on various electronics fields.
Over the last four decades, the EFY Group has become synonymous with information on cutting-edge technology. Today, this renowned media group is spread across eight locations, and caters to the intellectual needs of a diverse readership in India and in some foreign countries.
Sta...rting with its flagship publication, Electronics For You, which is today South Asia's most popular electronics magazine, the Group now offers a bouquet of specialised publications to meet the needs of a technology-hungry nation. These publications -- Linux For You, BenefIT, Facts For You and Electronics Bazaar – also enjoy a huge readership, and have managed to attract non-technical readers with their simple language and easy-on-the-eye design.
The Group also publishes directories and books, and organises several leading technology events. Its web-portals, which include electronicsforu.com, efytimes.com, bpotimes.com, linuxforu.com and eleb2b.com, have become leaders in their respective categories. The EFY Awards, Open Source India (LinuxAsia), and Edutech Expo are three eagerly awaited annual events organised by the group.
The EFY Group has offices in Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata and Mumbai. Besides, it has representatives in Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Pune. It also has distributors in the South East Asian countries.
EFY is already a huge success in the entire South East Asian region, and is among the first Indian technology media groups to reach Singapore and Malaysia. |